Wellness Consulting

Embarking on a holistic well-being journey begins with wellness consulting at Svasthify. Svasthify boasts a team of professionals, including Ayurveda doctors, naturopathy doctors, yogacharyas, dieticians, and healers, who are experts in their respective fields. Whether you seek initial guidance and direction or require ongoing consultancy with follow-up support to stay committed to the recommended practices and guidance, Svasthify caters to your needs.

Opting for long-term coaching and consulting allows you to participate in a results-oriented program, with the expert acting as your guide throughout your wellness journey, providing continuous support and assistance. Through regular sessions, you will receive personalized attention and guidance, empowering you to make sustainable changes and progress towards your health and well-being goals.

During the initial consultation, the doctor or coach will assess your needs and goals, gather relevant information, and develop a personalized treatment plan. This plan may include lifestyle modifications, therapies, and interventions tailored to your condition. You will receive clear explanations and guidance on implementing the plan effectively, setting you on the path towards improved health and well-being.

Beyond the initial consultation, Svasthify’s holistic healing services offer ongoing support to ensure your progress and success. Your consultant will provide regular check-ins, track your progress, and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan. This continuous support system is designed to keep you motivated, address any challenges or concerns, and celebrate your achievements along the way.

Our holistic wellness programs offer a diverse array of elements aimed at nurturing your well-being. These encompass personalized guidance, dietary management, yoga practices including meditation and pranayama, alternative therapies like energy healing and Ayurvedic treatments, chakra healing, relaxation techniques, and more. Together, these components work harmoniously to promote balance, vitality, and inner harmony.

At Svasthify, we understand that a holistic approach to healing encompasses not only physical well-being but also mental and emotional balance. Our team of experts will guide you in incorporating mindfulness practices, stress management techniques, and emotional support into your wellness journey. By addressing the mind-body connection, we strive to help you achieve overall harmony and a sense of inner peace.

Join us at Svasthify to experience the transformative power of holistic healing services. Together, we will navigate the path to wellness, empowering you to live a life of vitality, balance, and joy. Begin your journey towards optimal well-being today.

Consult with Svasthify experts


Wellness Coach

Our wellness coaches specialize in guiding individuals towards optimal well-being. With a comprehensive understanding of your unique needs, they provide personalized guidance and support for achieving balance and enhancing overall wellness.



Consulting with a Yogacharya at Svasthify offers a valuable opportunity to explore yoga therapy and receive personalized yoga coaching. Our  Yoga teachers specializes in the therapeutic application of yoga to promote physical, mental, and spiritual well-being


Dietician & Nutritionist

The Dietician or Nutritionist will identify areas for improvement and develop a tailored nutrition plan that suits your individual requirements. They will provide recommendations on portion sizes, food choices, meal timings, and dietary modifications.


Disease Reversal

The Disease Reversal Consulting Program is a goal-oriented coaching program that spans a significant duration. During this program, a team of holistic practitioners, along with a doctor, will provide guidance and support to help you overcome your health challenges by utilizing appropriate medications, dietary adjustments, yoga practices, and motivational techniques. 


Stress Management

The Stress Management Program is designed to enhance your resilience and ability to cope with stress.  Through the cultivation of a positive mindset, appropriate dietary adjustments, yoga practices, and motivational techniques, the experts will assist you in developing the necessary tools to effectively handle stress.


Weight Loss

The Weight Loss Program is a long-term coaching program designed to help you achieve your weight loss goals. In this program, a dedicated yoga teacher and doctors specializing in weight management will provide guidance and assistance. They will support you in cultivating a positive mindset, adopting a suitable diet plan, incorporating yoga practices, and offering motivational strategies.

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